Monday, May 14, 2012

Time to get this working again...

Well, I think it has been about long enough for me to get back to working on this site again, so here we are.
Finally back on the road again with the old girl. More details on all that madness to come, but for now, just turned 2000 since the rebuild and plenty more miles to go!
And mocking up a new tank after I sort of, ahem, blew up the old one. And yes purists, I am very aware it's a Kawasaki tank on a Honda, but dammit it just fits right like I want. Of course, this is going to take a bit of surgery. Of course that's the fun of it all! And last but not least, tools! Still tweaking, but learning how to use my newest addition, my Sphere Turning Attachment for the South Bend:
A made it from plans in an old Popular Mechanics issue. So far, getting there, HA! More to come later. I've been busy, time to get back to showing it.